Thursday, March 21, 2013

Meeting Social Expectation is likeasjdhfgjsk

When I was in kindergarten, I go to school to learn, for me to use those learnings when I grow up. Fortunately, blessed with enough intelligence and skills to stand out, I did excel. When I was in Elementary, I go to school to learn, for me to use those learnings when I grow up. Fortunately, blessed with talents, I stood out, I graduated as Salutatorian. And there started such a small amount of expectation from everyone. When I was in High School, I go to school to learn AND to meet such a social expectation. I did not mind it. All I thought about was to study hard, get good grades and graduate as the Valedictorian. Though, pressure was on me, I manage to enjoy my high school by building my passion in leadership and fulfilling myself. Dreams were built. My idealism was in its peek. I graduated as the Valedictorian. And more pressure came from the society. And now that I am in college, I feel like I am not going to school to learn. I go to to school to meet such social expectations. And it's killing me inside.

I feel like society has taken away my freedom. I need to hide myself when I smoke. I need to go somewhere unpopular so that no one will see me drinking. I need to be careful when I go clubbing. I can't involve myself in a same sex relationship.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Thank you, Junior Executive Society, Inc.

Few weeks from now, Academic Year 2012-2013 will end. My whole being is exhilarated by the fact that I am turning Second Year college next semester. So far with my stay in University of the Philippines Visayas, I can say that I have learned and experienced much. One of these great experiences is to be a part of the Junior Executive Society, Inc., the leading organization in B.S. in Management. I have been the batch representative for a year and all I can say is, the experience is worthwhile.

JES Inc. had taught me how to reach out with my batchmates. JES Inc. had honed my hosting skills. It is one of the tools that made me more confident in my present situation right now. Also, this organization had brought me to a higher level of understanding what leadership is all about. 

I may have declined such another chance for being with such great organization, I am still here willing to achieve whatever the visions of my dear JES. I hope that next academic year will again be a year of honor and excellence by BS in Management students with the passion for leadership of our newly elected officers.

To JES, thank you very much for influencing my life. Thank you for making me a better person. To the BS in Management students, let's rise above mediocrity! Let's make such significant existence in UPV! 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Taklong Island Adventure 2013

In everything that we do, we tend to learn new things, reflect oneself and applaud life. Thinking about the deadlines for papers, schedule for exams and other extra-curricular commitments plus the hangover I had that day, I found the trip to Taklong Island a hassle at first.

I woke up as early as 4 o’clock in the morning just to fix my things and to meet the assembly time of Sir Rex. Sleepyheads waited for the port for about an hour afraid of the threat of leaving those who couldn’t make it by 7o’clock.  We should have left for Guimaras without Sir and Meeko because they arrived at around 7:20 AM, good thing Meeko had made it right after Sir Rex arrived at the port. If not, he would miss such an adventure.  Bets were raised between Sadaba Team and Meeko Team to kill the boredom in waiting. Sir Rex arrived before Meeko did. And so, Sadaba Team reigned.

I could feel that it was not only me who just pushes ourselves for the trip because it’s a requirement. From the port, riding the boat to Guimaras Island to Lusaran, Nueva Valencia, we seized the travel time and went to sleep.

It was around a 2-hour travel from Iloilo to our destination and it was an opportunity of a 2-hour sleep for us. It was a little bit tiring, however when we arrived to Lusaran, exhilaration filled my being.  
The photo would explain why. And then I told myself, “Wake up sleepyhead! You’ll be Dora today! This is going to be an adventure!” A class meeting before March2, 2013, Sir Rex told us a glimpse of what will happen in the field trip. There will be a riding in a bangka, wading, meeting the mangroves and of course a lot of walking. Indeed we rode a bangka from Lusaran to Taklong Island. As far as I remember, it was my second time to ride a bangka. Scared yet excited, I challenged myself.

After riding a Bangka, we walked from the shore to the University of the Philippines Research Centre. And yes, expected that we would meet mangroves, we did. They welcomed us in such a beautiful and sleepy day.
We headed to our assigned rooms for a little rest and for us to prepare ourselves for the start of the “field trip.” Sir went to eat his big monay which he shared to us his students. With the mani of Aaron, everything went so fine. After a few minutes Sir Rex called the class for a briefing. Our goal of the day was to see different species available in the island and see the wonders of whatever Taklong Island has to offer.

Life of Pi is Everyone’s Life

                            When everything seems to fall apart, I blame no one but myself. Whenever I am in the midst of hurdles, I just cry as if it will fix the whole mess. When I cannot cope up with the speed of harshness life has been giving me, I just shut the world down drowning myself into such misery. Now, that I am currently hurdling such complexity of life I just want to stop living for a moment. Until I watched this very moving film entitled Life of Pi.

According to, Life of Pi is a 2012 3D adventure drama film based on Yann Martel's 2001 novel of the same name. Directed by Ang Lee, the film is based on an adapted screenplay by David Magee. The storyline revolves around a 16-year old boy named Piscine Molitor "Pi" Patel, who survives a shipwreck in which his family dies, and is stranded in the Pacific Ocean on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. The film had its worldwide premiere as the opening film of the 50th New York Film Festival at both the Walter Reade Theater and Alice Tully Hall in New York City on September 28, 2012.

            The film aims to promote belief in an omnipotent and ever powerful God. With the aid of three religions in the film which are the Roman Catholicism, Islam and Hinduism, it had been shown that the mentioned religion do believe in one the same God. Specifically, the film showed how the power of God works over us human beings and other creatures. Hence, this film is but one of the best Bollywood films I have ever encountered.

            The story started with an American interviewing this Indian about the story of his life. This Indian Piscine Molitor "Pi" Patel portrayed by Gautam Belur at age 6, Ayush Tandon at age 13, Suraj Sharma at age 16 and Irrfan Khan as  adult Pi was a unique man who happened to practice three religions at the same time since his childhood. The American writer acted by Rafe Spall was finding a subject to be featured in his book. He had met Mamaji who happened to be the godfather of Pi who told the writer that Pi is the best person to be introduced in his next book. And so, the American came knocking at Pi’s door one day. And the story of the life of Pi started.

            From his success in eradicating bullies out of his life and fighting for his belief in God against his atheist family during his childhood to his unimaginable experience with the animals for survival after a shipwreck which killed all of the human passengers in the vessel they rode into including his family made the storyline so interesting, exciting and moving. The storyline itself especially the part where Pi has experienced struggle yet he had not let his faith be ruled over by fear and hopelessness played a big role in making the film a noble one.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I Won't Give Up

When everyone thinks you're okay
And deep inside you're bleeding
When everyone sees that you're smiling
yet when no one's around tears are falling
when it seems that you are loved by everyone
and you just feel so alone
when you think no one sees your doubts and pain
God's always there to caress your broken soul.