Love and Poetry

Mending a Broken Heart

March 15, 2013, 1:00 A.M.

Poems were made because of your existence
Thoughts went wild because you were here
Songs has been meaningful because of such feelings
However now that we're apart, 
All of which pains my heart as I get them through.

I remember the days when we're just starting
The first time you stared at me and  reddened
I was amused about everything you acted towards me
I felt such admiration
Which I wish I will experience again when I found someone again.

One day had passed and I terribly miss you now,
I just want to go there and hug you tight
I want to reassure myself that everything will be alright
We'll move on with our lives bring the lessons we learned
But I just want to tell you one last time, I love you, goodbye. 

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