Savor Savours.

From "I am L.A." to "Sweet Stilettos" to "Sweeter Stilettos" to the newest "Savor Savours," I found myself in contentment with my present blog title. It is funny because just like my loads of unfinished diaries, I still carry the habit of being dissatisfied about my written works here in the web. However, the passion of sharing my ideas to the world never let me stop and feel dissatisfied in making the new name for L.A. Octavio's life story and start all over again. Hence, this is the Savor Savours.

I change the name for a reason: I just want my audience to realize easily that life is about exploration and growing up because of experiences. I'll turn 18 from a month now. With all the years I have been living, life never failed to amuse me. And the idea of shouting every fascinating involvement that I have in this earthly life urges me to let everyone know how grateful I am by blogging.

That is why, Savor Savours has been chosen because of the different flavors life has to offer such as the sweetness and bitterness in love and the sourness and saltiness in every hurdle we used to encounter.  It is never easy to live. It is never easy to taste every life's different flavor. However, by tasting all of the sweetness, bitterness, sourness, saltiness, and any other weird flavors as you go along, will make you an expert chef of life eventually. By experiencing every trial and learning from every mistake, being happy by seizing every delicious instances and sharing to others the recipe of how to live with fulfillment by blogging is but one the ways I can be an expert chef of life someday.

Now, I know that living is not as easy as it was when I was a child. As I grow up, more complex things have been challenging me. Fortunately, I have been surpassing every hardship that made me optimistic and strong at the present. However, inevitable as it is, there is still a part of me which is scared in taking risks. What makes me trust myself more is the knowledge that my God is just there to support me all the way. There are maybe different flavors in life but no matter how disgusting everything around, God, my head chef is always there to remind me what to do if there's trouble in the kitchen. He's always there to guide me while I am making the my perfect dish. And I trust Him that big which made me trust myself even more. Now, I am a brave chef.

Join me as I taste every flavor life has to offer. And may you will not be afraid too in tasting even the most exotic experience that your existence on earth will give to you. You only live once. Why waste the moment? Savor every savour. It is an opportunity. Taste life to its fullest.

1 comment:

How does it taste? :)