Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Taklong Island Adventure 2013

In everything that we do, we tend to learn new things, reflect oneself and applaud life. Thinking about the deadlines for papers, schedule for exams and other extra-curricular commitments plus the hangover I had that day, I found the trip to Taklong Island a hassle at first.

I woke up as early as 4 o’clock in the morning just to fix my things and to meet the assembly time of Sir Rex. Sleepyheads waited for the port for about an hour afraid of the threat of leaving those who couldn’t make it by 7o’clock.  We should have left for Guimaras without Sir and Meeko because they arrived at around 7:20 AM, good thing Meeko had made it right after Sir Rex arrived at the port. If not, he would miss such an adventure.  Bets were raised between Sadaba Team and Meeko Team to kill the boredom in waiting. Sir Rex arrived before Meeko did. And so, Sadaba Team reigned.

I could feel that it was not only me who just pushes ourselves for the trip because it’s a requirement. From the port, riding the boat to Guimaras Island to Lusaran, Nueva Valencia, we seized the travel time and went to sleep.

It was around a 2-hour travel from Iloilo to our destination and it was an opportunity of a 2-hour sleep for us. It was a little bit tiring, however when we arrived to Lusaran, exhilaration filled my being.  
The photo would explain why. And then I told myself, “Wake up sleepyhead! You’ll be Dora today! This is going to be an adventure!” A class meeting before March2, 2013, Sir Rex told us a glimpse of what will happen in the field trip. There will be a riding in a bangka, wading, meeting the mangroves and of course a lot of walking. Indeed we rode a bangka from Lusaran to Taklong Island. As far as I remember, it was my second time to ride a bangka. Scared yet excited, I challenged myself.

After riding a Bangka, we walked from the shore to the University of the Philippines Research Centre. And yes, expected that we would meet mangroves, we did. They welcomed us in such a beautiful and sleepy day.
We headed to our assigned rooms for a little rest and for us to prepare ourselves for the start of the “field trip.” Sir went to eat his big monay which he shared to us his students. With the mani of Aaron, everything went so fine. After a few minutes Sir Rex called the class for a briefing. Our goal of the day was to see different species available in the island and see the wonders of whatever Taklong Island has to offer.

Amused by the orange warmer, we never failed to endorse it by having our initial group photo. Geared up with all our stuffs, we started the tour.  

First thing that I saw was the beautiful beach few meters away from the research office. However, seeing the other students approaching the sea with our outfit in the picture, I couldn’t believe that Sir would let us do that. Well, that was wading for him. Swimming. Having no choice at all, I gave in once again to the challenge.  I regret that I wasn’t able to capture such moments where the whole class plus the assistants of our dear professor went swimming with our jeans and tennis shoes.

We were all clamouring about such unexpected idea of a field trip. However as UP students, we never bothered to lose our temper but to enjoy such task. I enjoyed it myself. All the swimming and all the laughing and all the survival strategies we did just to arrive at the shore still breathing.

I have known what I once called algae to be a sea grass. I have known that there is such a thing called sea forest. I have met a lot of plants which I could not remember anymore. I have seen little crab holes. I have walked a mile. I have asked for help because I could not move forward in the water even though I tried to swim and I blame the life jacket and my height. I have seen and touched for the first time a starfish which has been corrected by Sir as a seastar. And I have enjoyed the day unexpectedly.

After half of the day, we went back to the office for lunch. I have not brought any ready food except of the canned goods that I bought in the port. Good thing, Aaron and Susie was there, good thing Manang Karen and her group shared some food to me. If not, I would not be able to be the fittest in such a survival.
After lunch we had a little time for rest and then we geared up ourselves again putting our orange warmers on and headed to our next destination—exploring a glimpse of Sir Rex’s life—the mangroves.

From the earlier picture, the tide is still low. However, after lunchtime, we went wading or rather swimming once again within the mangroves enjoying such high tide. Regretting the earlier times when I was not able to capture unforgettable moments, I risked bringing my phone for documentation.

With all the body pains that the mangroves had brought to me, I can’t help it but applaud myself of meeting the thrill. Sir Rex explained about the study that they are having in Taklong and its mangroves. He shared stories about the oil spill that happened there and all the drama that occurred. I learned that when it has oil spill, never touch the mangroves but rather let it fight for its survival because God is just so amazing to let them win against man-made harm.

After such a talk, we went searching for the species in the mangrove area. It was one of the most exciting and annoying part of the trip. We have to get shells which seemed to be somewhat unbearable because we were not used in getting such snails and shells and whatever sea creatures. It was my first time to swim within the mangrove area and to collect snails.

After some time, we moved on with our trip. Sir Rex let us meet the different species of mangroves. With all of them Bakhaw Lalake and Bakhaw Babaye are the most unforgettable for me. It seemed to me that they are lovers. And so, yes, I just couldn’t just forget them.

I also wouldn’t forget Roma which is very interesting because the thorns can make you temporarily blind. I was able to know that the roots of the mangroves sprout up the topsoil because of lack of oxygen down the sea crust.

Well again, we walked and met species, different kind of species, some are species that can just be found in the Philippines particularly in Taklong Island and some are the common ones which I have known its name because of the trip. Honestly, I do not care about the names of such plants before for it doesn’t matter to me what and who they are and what they need, however this trip made aware now of their pleas.

After such an exhausting day, we headed back to our quarters. We took a little rest again. Of course, we would not miss the chance of swimming in the seas of such a wonderful island. Sir Rex let us enjoy the beach. We went boating, swimming and laughing and laughing at that moment. I met Mr. Sea Cucumber which is also very interesting. With Sir’s big loaf of monay and the mani of Aaron plus the sea cucumber, they never failed in making my day.
Indeed, it was an exhausting day. We went back to the quarters, get ourselves ready for dinner. One of the things that made me happy was the bonding of people in our room. We talked about everything—sex, UP life, leadership, our batch, and we planned to surprise for Mhem, a classmate for it’s her 18th birthday.
We actually did it, though it was a very simple surprise. Sir Rex never failed to build such amusement with his monay once again reigned as he gave it as a gift to Mhem’s birthday. All of the boys danced with her while Aaron was our sound system, he sang. Mhem’s close friends gave a message and the older ones gave their shots for our debutant. Raffy and Miriam exhilarated the surprise by their dance number. It was maybe a simple celebration but I hope that it made Mhem’s debut somewhat special.
After all the fun, we spent the night with freedom. Others spent it by telling horror stories and scared themselves, others unbelievably studied however in my part, with the upperclass men and our dear professor, we went in a drinking session! Yehey!

That was my favourite part of the trip. When we just talked until 3 o’clock in the morning and of course, drink a little bit. Anything under the sun was tackled but this time, it was not just a talk. It was all a sensible talk. I did feel at that moment that indeed I am an Iskolar ng Bayan talking about sensible matters with other Iskolars ng Bayan. I find it fun to talk intellectually and knowing such experiences of everyone in the group. I felt happy because at that moment, I belong.
Well, we did talk about a lot of things such as uniqueness of Filipino culture, Science , Sir’s expertise and experiences, UP life, love life, dreams, hopes, decision making, life, happiness, choices and Raffy’s status in class. We asked, argued, commended, confessed, laughed, and drank. We students learned a lot about Sir Rex. I have learned to dream farther because of that instance. And yes, I slept smiling and thanking God for such a day.

Indeed it was a demanding yet a life-changing experience. It was when I pledged to take care and love nature even more. It was when I told myself to be a better decision maker. It was when I told myself to be a better person because just like nature, I have my role to play upon this lifetime. And just like nature, everyone is fragile that should be taken care of and not to be taken advantage of. Just like nature we are all beautiful and amazing. And it takes a little bit of adventure to seek and witness such beauty.

I went home with my principles and visions in life changed. I went home in love with nature. I went home looking forward for such more exciting adventures. Thank you EnviSci10! :)

In everything that we do, we tend to learn new things, reflect oneself and applaud life.

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