Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Old Dreamer on the Other Side ♥

Under the great heavens, someone waits for you. It doesn't matter if you are from afar. It doesn't matter if you journey slowly. Just see me soon. And we'll share such love that will never last.

There were times when I can't just help it but to pity myself for I feel so ugly to have no serious relationship since birth. I am talking about relationship with an opposite sex here-- a boyfriend. I admit that I had lots of guys before, when everything seems to worth a try, I tried to have a boyfriend. I tried to have more than a dozen of boyfriends. However, as an impatient kind of girlfriend I was, only one passed the three-month rule, I had a relationship with him for four months, it holds the record for the longest commitment with someone as of today. All through time, I thought I was pretty cool to have such ability to change a boyfriend in a short period of time. Now, thinking about it makes me condemn my stupidity back when I was in my worse of my immaturity.It was an experience though it makes me regret that I haven't given importance to such feelings I offered someone. At the very least, I am grateful that I realized it eventually.

I was very single and very ready to mingle when I entered college since I wasn't able to have such love life for almost two years because I was so busy heading the student government back when I was in my junior and senior years. All the while, I thought it would be easy for me to catch a fish in such new sea. I thought it would be easy for me to have that someone whom I can engage myself into for a lasting relationship, longer than four months. I had lots of crushes in the campus now. I have sighted and admired guys again. I tried to get someone. Yet all the while, I was wrong. It was never easy to fish, especially when you want something in demand and the sea has shortage of it.

I had been rejected by most of them.

I was hurt.

I tried to cursed them.

Until I learned the lesson.

Life had taught me to wait-- to wait for that someone who will make me go crazy and go head over heels. Yes, it's not easy to wait while you see couples around you. Yes, it's not easy to be patient when you feel so alone after every day. yes, it's not easy to wait when you feel like needing it very badly. I have been such a believer of God's will. And so, no matter how I yearn for it, I know he will never come until the right time comes. I will never be in a serious relationship until the perfect time that God has planned will come. Yes, it's not easy to wait, but thinking that if I will meet the perfect one for my in such perfect time, it will always make me patient. As what in one of the SMS I like the most says, "I don't care if I don't have a boyfriend right now, you know, God is still busy writing the best love story for me!"

I am maybe single right now, however, I know that I am never alone. I have my God who never lets me feel so alone. I have my loving family and friends who are at my back along the way. Anyway, being single is actually being more free. Being single will never let you be responsible to any commitment. Being single and unattached mean freedom.

Oh well, my doors are open for someone who is ready to prove himself to me. If there's no one for now, then I'll wait. I will rather make myself a better person while I wait for him. So that, if ever we'll meet in the near future,  I will be worthy of that one prestigious love.

To that special someone, under the great heavens, someone is waiting for you. And that someone is me.

Will have you soon. :)



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